after your wedding
If you choose to change your last name (surname) when you get married, you don’t have to legally change it.
You have the option to assume your spouse’s last name after marriage. It does not change the name on your Ontario birth registration (and birth certificate). You should change all your identification documents to reflect the new last name.
Learn more about assuming a last name after marriage
If you choose to legally change your last name, you can do so through ServiceOntario.
How to get a marriage certificate after marriage
A marriage certificate is a legal record of a marriage. It lists the date and place of the marriage, and names of the people who were married.
You may need this document to:
show legal proof you are married
apply for certain social benefits
settle an estate
change a last name
Before you can get a marriage certificate, your marriage needs to be registered. The officiant who performed the marriage will send your completed and signed marriage licence to ServiceOntario so the marriage can be registered.
Note: A Record of Solemnization of Marriage may be provided by your marriage officiant following the marriage ceremony. This is a souvenir document, not a marriage certificate.You can order a proof of marriage certificate 6-8 weeks after this happens.