... works with people to change behaviours, habits and responses
no longer working for them in their life.


I specilize in Transpersonal Counselling, which is the school of psychology
marked by its holistic attention to the whole person, including the spiritual.

It is a specialty field of counselling helping clients to develop
healing techniques like meditation, mindfulness, guided visualization
and deep emotional experiencing to help reduce anxiety
while invoking a personal calm in everyday living.

Meditation, mindfulness and guided visualization all arise
from hypnosis, which is a natural state of focused concentration
humans experience multiple times a day.


How many tmes have you said,
"I just cant help reacting like that!"

As we grow, humans develop behaviours to
protect ourselves or to get what we want.

These behaviours (temper tantrums, etc.) worked to our benefit at the time
but as we became older, those by now automatically arising responses
(like repetitive expressions of anger, frustration, anxiety or fear)
can be self-defeating in the same situations.

Hypnotherapy and Meditation are the two most effective ways
to help re-programme those negative responses to positive
responses, so you can take control back of your life.

in plain english ...


Consider that like the visible portion of an iceberg, your conscious mind is only 10% of your brain function.

Your conscious mind, drawing from memory in the subconscious, protects you from putting your hand on a hot stove by telling you, "That's hot! Don't touch it!" 

However when trying to stop smoking, lose weight or change a behaviour by willpower alone, the conscious mind expresses your current belief,"That's too hard! I can't do that!" and blocks any lasting changes.

Hypnosis bypasses those automatically arising, self-defeating learned responses by accessing the subconscious part of the mind directly (90% of your brain) and changing the negative responses at their source.